
The Difference Between Spousal Support and Alimony Pendente Lite
When a couple decides to separate or divorce, financial assistance may be required from one spouse to another. Spousal support and alimony pendente lite (APL) are two types of financial support that may be ordered by a court during divorce proceedings.
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Types of Child Custody in Pennsylvania
According to the most recent Pew Research Center study, about 23% of U.S. children below 18 years live with one parent and no other adults. During a marital dissolution, parents must create a feasible child custody agreement and parenting to determine each parent's roles, rights, and responsibilities.
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How Can I Reduce Inheritance Tax For My Children?
The pandemic and the hyperinflation that followed it have had the effect of raising the valuation of people’s estates. Though the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has no estate tax and the federal estate tax is currently pegged at $12.92 million in assets before any tax sets in, the reality is that many individuals and couples can face tax considerations when doing their estate planning. Their estate and their children can be on the hook for up to 40 percent of the asset valuation.
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