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Domestic Violence Attorneys in Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania

Being abused by someone who is supposed to love you can be one of the most disheartening and emotionally taxing experiences you can go through in life. When you are abused by someone you thought you could trust, it’s very easy to lose trust in other people and feel isolated.

However, you don’t want to be alone during this difficult time and you certainly don’t want to distance yourself from the people who could help you.  

At Shabbick & Associates, PC, our domestic violence attorneys in Bethlehem and Palmerton, Pennsylvania, understand what you’re going through right now. We know that being abused by someone who is your intimate partner or family member can result in lifelong physical and emotional trauma. That is why we strive to treat our clients with the utmost discretion and care they deserve.  

What Is Domestic Violence? 

Domestic violence encompasses a range of abusive behaviors directed at an intimate partner, family member, or household member. It is essential to recognize that domestic violence can manifest in various forms, and victims may not always recognize the signs. Here are some common examples of domestic violence: 

  • Physical abuse: Hitting, slapping, or other forms of physical harm. 

  • Verbal or emotional abuse: Constant criticism, humiliation, or threats. 

  • Financial abuse: Controlling access to money and resources. 

  • Psychological abuse: Manipulation or coercion that instills fear. 

  • Stalking: Repeatedly following or monitoring someone's activities. 

If you or someone you know is experiencing any of these situations, seek help and take the time to learn what you can do to stop the abuse and get protection. If you don’t stop the abuser now, the consequences can be devastating. Many victims suffer severe injuries from domestic violence and some incidents become fatal.

According to the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence (PCADV), more than 1,400 people died in incidents related to domestic violence in the last 10 years.  

You Deserve Better


What Is the Protection from Abuse Act (PFA) in Pennsylvania?

In Pennsylvania, the Protection from Abuse Act (PFA) provides legal remedies for individuals experiencing domestic violence. This law, which can be found at 23 Pa.C.S. Chapter 61, allows victims to seek protection from abusers through the court system. A PFA order can prohibit an abuser from contacting or approaching the victim, providing a sense of security during a traumatizing time.  

Under this act, the courts aim to provide immediate relief, often granting temporary orders that can be extended based on the circumstances. If you feel threatened or unsafe, you might want to discuss your options for protection under the PFA with a Bethlehem and Palmerton domestic violence attorney.  

Who Can Be Labeled an Abuser Under the PFA? 

The PFA defines an abuser as any individual who has a specific relationship with the victim. This includes: 

  • Current or former spouses: Individuals who have been or are currently married. 

  • Intimate partners: People in a current or former dating relationship, including spouses, boyfriends, and girlfriends.  

  • Family members: Relatives related by blood or marriage, including children, siblings, and parents.  

  • Common-law spouses and domestic partners 

These parameters help clarify the scope of protection available under the PFA, ensuring that individuals facing threats from those they know can seek legal recourse. 

What Acts Qualify for Protection Under the PFA? 

The PFA is designed to address various abusive behaviors. Specific acts qualify for protection under this law, including but not limited to: 

  • Physical harm: Any act of violence that results in bodily injury. 

  • Threats of harm: Statements indicating intent to cause physical harm. 

  • Sexual violence: Any non-consensual sexual act. 

  • False imprisonment: Being physically restrained while trying to leave a house, room, or premises. 

  • Stalking or harassment: Patterns of behavior that induce fear or distress. 

All of these actions are taken seriously under the law, and victims are encouraged to document any incidents that may warrant protection.  

How to Get a Restraining Order or PFA Order

If you feel that you are a victim of domestic violence, obtaining a PFA order can provide immediate protection. Here’s how to start the process: 

  1. File a petition: You can file a PFA petition at your local courthouse. Our attorneys at Shabbick & Associates, PC, can assist you with this step, ensuring that your petition is completed accurately and submitted as quickly as possible.  

  1. Attend a hearing: After filing, the court will schedule a hearing. You will need to present your case clearly and provide any evidence of abuse. 

  1. Obtain the order: If the court finds sufficient evidence of abuse, it will grant you a PFA order, which outlines the specific protections you receive. 

  1. Follow up with enforcement: Once issued, you should keep a copy of the order and ensure it is enforced if necessary.  

Navigating the legal system when you’re a victim of domestic violence can be too overwhelming and frightening. But you don’t have to do it alone. We can help you throughout this process so you can have much-needed peace of mind during this difficult time.  

Why Choose Our Firm?

At Shabbick & Associates, PC, we are committed to providing you with the highest level of support and care. We take pride in our strengths and traits:  

  • We are lawyers who listen, lawyers who care: We take the time to listen to your story to understand your unique circumstances. Our compassionate approach ensures that you feel supported during this turbulent time. 

  • Over 40 years of experience: With over four decades of experience in family law, our attorneys have the necessary knowledge and skill to handle your case with professionalism and dedication.  

  • Combination of friendly service and aggressive advocacy: We pride ourselves on offering a blend of approachable service and aggressive advocacy. Our commitment is to fearlessly fight for your rights while ensuring you feel comfortable and informed every step of the way. 

  • We are with our clients from start to finish: We believe in maintaining open communication with our clients and providing them with the guidance they need from the initial consultation to the conclusion of their cases. With our team, you will never feel lost or unsure about the process. 

If you or someone you know is being domestically abused, do not let your fear stand in the way of putting an end to it. No one should ever suffer from abuse at the hands of their own family or those they have an intimate relationship with. Unfortunately, not everyone has someone they can trust to help them through tough times, but you do.  

Schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with our attorneys at Shabbick & Associates, PC, to find out how we could assist you. Our consultations are confidential.  

Domestic Violence Attorneys in Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania

Our Bethlehem and Palmerton domestic violence attorneys at Shabbick & Associates, PC, are here to offer you trusted legal counsel to help you feel safe again. Now is the right time to regain control over your life and leave the feeling of fear behind. With offices in Palmerton and Bethlehem, we serve clients throughout Lehigh County, Carbon County, and Northampton County. Call our attorneys today to request a free, confidential consultation.